Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Freedom Riders For African Americans - 1491 Words

Who are the Freedom Riders you may ask? They were a courageous and daring group, which originally consisted of seven African Americans and six Whites.They fought for the equality and justice for their race. They fought against the racist South during the early 1960’s. Their goal was to make a safer and more fair world for current and future African Americans in the United States. They went through hardship and violence from things such as, angry mobs and racist law enforcement through a period of several months. The Freedom Riders risked their safety and put their lives in danger to impact the way society viewed African Americans and to make the United States fair and equal for all races not just white. There were many events that happened during the Freedom Rider’s protest throughout the deep South. But, the hardship payed off because the Freedom Riders made a huge impact on U.S. History and they also impacted the greater justice and equality for African Americans. The Freedom Riders also have an amazing story with major events and a very positive end result which helped out African Americans in the United States and they also help change how the government treated African Americans unfairly and did give them equal rights as White people had in the United States. The Freedom Riders changed everything for African Americans and gave them a positive future to look forward to. The Freedom Riders were a very influential group of people, which consisted originally of sevenShow MoreRelatedDuring the Civil Rights Movement era there were many prominent figures and parties that challenged1100 Words   |  5 Pagessocietys views on racism. No other group challenged the accepted standards as much as the Freedom Riders. The Freedom Riders impact on political and social views influenced a drastic shift in the behaviors and thought of the Southern states. Many aspects of the Freedom Rides were influenced by the Journey of Reconciliation. The Journey of Reconciliation was comprised of a wide array of Caucasian and African American men of all occupations, including musicians, lawyers, clergy men and various other influentialRead MoreThe Freedom Riders Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagespeople risked their life to obtain equality for African Americans in the south. The Freedom Riders were a group of around 13 people. Most of them were African Americans but there were always a few white skinned people in the group as well. There was no set leader for the Freedom Riders. The Freedom Riders rode interstate buses into the Southern United States. The south was referred to as the most segregated part of the U.S. The main goal of the Freedom Riders was to desegregate and become â€Å"separate butRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Rides Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans sought to have the ir Constitutional Rights permitted. One form of protesting came forth in the form of the Freedom Rides. After slavery ended, many amendments and laws were created to ensure the rights of African Americans, but because of prejudices and racism, most of these were ignored. The Supreme Courts decision in Plessy v. Fergunson established separate but equal on interstate transportation in 1896, but in 1947 the Supreme Court foundRead MoreThe Freedom Riders : A Powerful And Inspiring Documentary On The Six Years996 Words   |  4 PagesThe â€Å"Freedom Riders† was a powerful and inspiring documentary on the six months of 1961 that altered America’s history. More than four hundred African Americans and whites put their lives in danger, bearing mob beatings and incarceration, as they travelled through the Deep South in numerous buses from May until November of 1961. As the freedom riders knowingly violated Jim Crow laws, they were confronted with cruel racism and violence wh ich painfully pushed against their mindset of nonviolent activismRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil Rights Movement1531 Words   |  7 PagesDisenfranchisement, segregation, and oppression still existed in Southern states for African Americans in the 1960, although it has been nearly 100 years since the Emancipation Proclamation. African Americans were still segregated from classrooms, restrooms, theatres, etc. due to â€Å"Jim Crow† laws; and in 1954, the â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. For hundreds of years African Americans fought for their civil rights, desegregation, and basic human rights. One significantRead MoreEssay On Freedom Riders738 Words   |  3 PagesThe Freedom Riders were remarkable, fearless Americans. They were extraordinary, ordinary people . . . young people who took the reins of history and wouldnt let go.† -Mark Samels, American Experience Executive Producer. This documentary showed a very dark time of American history, but in the dark is where the heroes come along. The people who took a stand and took part in the Freedom Rider is truly brave, and fearless, they are the people who made the America. Originally the Freedom Riders startedRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Congress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a placeRead MoreThe Importance Of Freedom Rides1130 Words   |  5 Pagesbathroom as everyone else, if y ou were told to sit in a cut off section of a restaurant, or if you were made to sit on the back of a public bus. African Americans had to endure that way of life majority of the 20th century. They did not get the same equal rights as any other human beings in America(Lifson). Because of the mistreatment, African Americans began to take a stand and speak out on the injustices they face everyday just because of the color of their skin, and it began a powerful movementRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Co ngress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a placeRead MoreEssay about Freedom Riders1575 Words   |  7 Pages Freedom Riders â€Å"Freedom Riders† were a group of people, both black and white, who were civil rights activists from the North who â€Å"meant to demonstrate that segregated travel on interstate buses, even though banned by an I.C.C. Ruling, were still being enforced throughout much of the South† (The South 16). The Riders attempted to prove this by having a dozen or so white and black Freedom Riders board buses in the North and travel through Southern cities. This was all â€Å"a coldly calculated attempt

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