Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Identify Factors That Help Your Company to Survive and Prosper Free Essays

Very much organized business guarantees that the business forms stream easily, and any issue that they face which blocks their procedure can be understood right away. Region Bank rebuilt the association in 2001, and as indicated by their key arrangement they will rebuild later on, to ensure the business to progress with the occasions. * Explanation and data As district Bank enters the worldwide market the clarification for their administrations is fundamental. We will compose a custom exposition test on Distinguish Factors That Help Your Company to Survive and Prosper or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now This isn't simply because of various societies and dialects in outside business sectors, yet additionally for the growing in those business sectors through intensive clarification and giving data which incorporates the offer itself, value, conditions, rewards, benefits, and so on * Diversification and development During the 1970s, the Commonwealth bank broadened its business into zones like protection and travel. After 1974, the bank additionally turned out to be all the more vigorously engaged with remote money exchanging and worldwide banking as a rule. Province Bank made the main Visa in Australia in 1974 when it built up Bankcard. In later years the bank started offering MasterCard (1984) and Visa (1993) cards too. It is very for a firm in an assistance industry to be intensely imaginative so as to make due in this quickly developing requesting world. * Leadership, methodology and upper hand Commonwealth bank has a group of experienced individuals in its administration which helps in arranging the workforce deliberately. It likewise arranges administration and ability based projects which permit the representatives to gain proficiency with the right work disposition which they ought to receive at work. Aside from this, it has additionally opened communities for the advancement of the counsels. CBA has various items and administrations which stand apart from different banks. This is the reason at present items and administrations which Commonwealth brings to the table have won various honors. Then again, it holds the main situation in the retail the board store of Australia and disaster protection. * Maximize item fulfillment for clients CBA consistently focuses on to give items that fulfill their clients. Assume acknowledgment card for instance, CBA has presented a charge card for understudies with nearly nothing or positively no pay by any stretch of the imagination. By applying on the web for this charge cards the clients (understudies) get $50 money bank into the record after initiation. This can build fulfillment level for clients and thusly make them steadfast. (Ward Bank, 2011). * Ethics regarding the moral and legitimate duties, Commonwealth Bank has demonstrated a strong duty in keeping up a moral work environment. The arrangement envisions from the workers that they can undoubtedly speak more loudly against the misrepresentation and flawed lead and terrible organization done by others. The bank focuses on the usage of these approaches. These principles are imparted to the staff and representatives every now and then. Aside from this, on the official site for Commonwealth Bank, there is an extraordinary connection that rundowns the sets of accepted rules, which guarantee the association furnishes clients with an expert degree of administrations. Step by step instructions to refer to Identify Factors That Help Your Company to Survive and Prosper, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The A Bomb Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

The A Bomb Essay, Research Paper The A-Bomb The impacts of the nuclear bomb were terrible. There # 8217 ; s no vulnerability in my mind that the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a sincerely won mistake. Nuclear bombs produce heat 1000000s of evaluations high and seeable UV pillars. Everybody and everything presented to their impact is influenced. No 1 is left untasted, regardless of whether it be passionate or physical ; in numerous occurrences both. In any case, numerous individuals from the logical control network contend that the nuclear bomb was an incredible advancement in designing, and see their result on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a logical trial. People groups from the resistance area in specialists other than consider the to be as incredible arms in national guard. When perusing my paper, you should make up ones psyche for yourself the ethical issues engaged with using nuclear bombs in fighting. The twenty-four hours after the nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, it down-poured each of the twenty-four hours. We will compose a custom exposition test on The A Bomb Essay Research Paper The or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The downpour was totally dark. A monstrous dust storm secured the Sun and made what was left of the city extremely dull. Perceiving the bombs outcome on clime, a gathering of researchers thought of the # 8220 ; Nuclear Winter Theory # 8221 ; . Orchestrating to the hypothesis if satisfactory nuclear bombs were detonated in certain nation all life in the nation would oceans to be. Anyway dreadful the outcome of nuclear bombs on spots and structures, what stands apart most in my head is the individuals. On August sixth, 1945, a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Despite the fact that the prompt results were disheartening bounty, individuals had non even started to perceive the incredible impacts it would hang on universes in the long haul. The prompt impacts on Hiroshima’s individuals were only a prefiguration of the 1s to come. A great many individuals were slaughtered right away. The individuals who endure the underlying impact kicked the bucket accordingly from high dosages of radiation, which consumes off covering and hair, so at long last executes you. With out a vulnerability, the nuclear bomb’s outcome on individuals was by a wide margin the most exceedingly terrible. Despite the fact that the specialists has great justification for using nuclear bombs, it is my own slant that their grounds can neer be acceptable bounty to warrant the lives of 1000000s of guiltless individuals. I trust that non simply the American individuals, yet all individuals can larn an exercise from our blunder with nuclear fighting and it # 8217 ; s dreadful impacts on society. Potentially the most exceedingly awful disaster engaged with nuclear bombs was the loss of 1000s of children. They were the great beyond, and they needed to cover with occupations no child ought to ever hold to go up against loss of companions, guardians, kin, and their ain lives. The advancement of the nuclear bomb changed the universe and its from now on until the end of time. Ideally, we will have the option to larn from our past mistakes to help prevent this incredible catastrophe from go oning one time again.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Erikson’s Theory Essay

While talking about the advancement hypothesis, Erikson had been the wilderness with many significant commitments. In contrast to Freud and Piaget, Erikson’s hypothesis of advancement concentrated substantially more on social collaborations. While the greater part of us concurred that youngsters do become latrine prepared between ages one and three, Erikson’s hypothesis likewise went further to recognize that kids additionally figure out how to talk, walk, feed themselves, and so forth. So as to comprehend Erikson’s hypothesis of improvement, we have to concentrate on three primary standards: dynamic equalization of contrary energies, imperative association and life in time. Dynamic parity of contrary energies: There are two contradicting propensities in unique equalization of alternate extremes: dystonic (negative) and syntonic (positive). Erikson accepted there were eight phases, and at every one, the individual settled an emergency between the positive (syntonic) and negative (dystonic) inclinations (Erikson and Kivnick 1986). A goals of emergency doesn't imply that an individual rejects either syntonic or dystonic totally, but instead that an individual should discover a harmony between two of those inclinations. For example, our American culture has as often as possible instructed guardians to never say â€Å"no† to their youngsters since that might harm a child’s confidence. In any case, Erikson would differ and state that kids do need to hear â€Å"no† some of the time to comprehend that the entire world doesn't rotate around them. Erikson would likewise say that telling the youngster â€Å"no† the entirety of the time is terrible too. Crucial contribution relies upon the equalization of syntonic and dystonic inclinations. Imperative Involvement: Erikson created eight phases of improvement. In the first place, the trust versus question stage, where newborn children begin to discover that either the world is acceptable and can be trusted, or is terrible and can’t be trusted (Erikson 1986). For example, Erikson would express that children figure out how to confide in their guardians for not releasing them hungry, yet indulges additionally figure out how to doubt their parental figures for hollering at them and not taking care of them reliably. Second, the independence versus disgrace and uncertainty stage where youngsters find out about their own â€Å"selves† which is independent from their parental figures (Erikson 1986). In this stage, youngsters for the most part build up their own will and wants and applyâ them well by saying â€Å"no†. At the point when youngsters begin to feel good utilizing â€Å"no† as an approach to arrive at their wants, they have arrived at the activity versus blame stage. In this stage, kids figure out how to disguise esteems from the senior and furthermore get the feeling of blame for bad behavior. The following stage is industry versus inadequacy where youngsters investigate the more noteworthy world in primary school and their environmental factors. Erikson paid a ton of consideration in the personality versus disarray stage since it centers around youths and their character emergency. Constancy is the core of character since youths share a portion of their parent’s values, just as build up their own. The last three phases incorporate closeness versus detachment, generativity versus stagnation, and honesty versus despair. Every one of these stages centers incredibly around the progression of human advancement til' the very end. Erikson perceived that there are sure timespans when it may be simpler for some to create and harder for others to create, contingent upon the condition that impact them. For example, a few youngsters who confronted hardships (family division, family savagery, and so forth.) may experience difficulty in specific stages or even the entirety of the stages, contingent upon where the variables start. Life in time: Erikson alluded to his hypothesis of advancement as epigenesis. Epigenesis is applicable to advancement (the past and the future) and hereditary qualities. Erikson clarified, â€Å"†¦epi can mean ‘above’ in space just as ‘before’ in time, and associated with beginning can well speak to the space-time nature of all development† (Erikson 1986). Erikson didn't allude epigenetic to individual hereditary make-up and how it impacts singular turn of events. Or maybe, Erikson was worried about how character and conduct is impacted after birth, etc. For example, my mom experiences considerable difficulties modifying with American culture when we initially relocated here from Vietnam. My sister and I began to adjust to the new culture right awayâ€from garments style, haircut, diversions, and so forth in which my mom had a troublesome time to acknowledge. She needed us to keep our conventional traditions at home, just as outside our home. From the outset, we felt hesitant in light of the fact that we felt she didn't comprehend the significance of â€Å"fitting-in† at school. In any case, as we began school, my sister and I began to understand that our way of life and conventions are one of a kind and comprehend where my mom was coming from (Identity/disarray stage). End: Erikson had devoted his life by adding to formative brain research in significant manners. Erikson’s hypothesis of improvement is still broadly utilized and concentrated by numerous researchers.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What You Should Know When Writing CXC Essay Topics

What You Should Know When Writing CXC Essay TopicsThere are several different topics that a CXC essay topic can cover. These topics are usually chosen by the instructor of the class and by the student themselves, although there are many other options available. The actual length of the essay depends on the length of the main text, although some students are required to write shorter essays. The most common thing that students are asked to write is a statement of how they came to know about the subject matter and why they would care to write an essay on it.One of the first things that you should consider when selecting your essay topics is how much detail you want. For example, if you are writing about death and dying, it is important to be able to make a direct connection between the topic and your life as a whole. However, a simple statement will not suffice for this type of topic.You may also choose to write about the topic in general terms, or one specific aspect of the topic. If you choose to do this, you should be able to describe it in a clear way that is informative and interesting to the reader. However, before you begin writing, you should always consider whether or not you want to use a specific format. Often, you will be required to fill out a survey which will include questions relating to the topic.Some topics are written in a similar style to an ordinary letter and can be easily adapted to be used in an essay. These essays do not always require an introduction; however, many essay topics require this for the student to see what is expected of them. It can help you prepare your paper more effectively if you can start with a strong introductory statement.Some topics that are commonly used in the CXC are economics, religion, psychology, and history. The options for these topics will depend on the instructor's interests and the students' ability to write.The course that you study in and the type of material taught are also factors that will determine the type of essays that you are expected to write. For example, if you study business in a higher level program, you will probably need to write an essay on economics; similarly, if you are studying history in a curriculum at the lower level, you will likely be expected to write on psychology.There are a wide variety of topics that you can choose from when writing an essay. Keep in mind that you must provide enough information to satisfy the requirements of the instructor, and that you should not simply write a vague outline and expect to get through your assignment on time.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How Your Learning Style Affects How You Learn Spanish

Whats your learning style? Knowing and adjusting your studying accordingly could pay off for learning Spanish—and other subjects as well. All of us learn in our unique ways, but in general there are three common types of learning styles: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic As is probably obvious, visual learners can learn best when they see what theyre trying to learn, and auditory learners do best when they can listen. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing or when learning involves their hands or other parts of their body. Everybody uses all of these methods at one time or another, but most of us find some methods easier than others. An auditory student may do quite well listening to plain lectures, while a visual student appreciates having explanations put on the blackboard or displayed on an overhead projector. Examples of Putting Learning Styles to Work What does all this have to do with learning Spanish? By finding out your preferred learning style, you can tailor your studies to emphasize what works best: Visual learners more often do well using books, and flashcards for rote memorization. If they also dont have a strong auditory aptitude, they may struggle with developing conversation skills. One way they can boost their listening skills is to use computer programs or video devices to provide subtitles or other visual clues to what theyre hearing.Auditory learners may have the easiest time developing conversation skills. They benefit more than other types of learners by listening to instructional tapes, watching Spanish TV, listening to Spanish radio, or listening to Spanish music.Kinesthetic or tactile learners often need to use some sort of physical activity to help themselves learn. For many, merely taking notes during class or from a textbook can help. They also do well to speak their lessons out loud, or use software that encourages interactivity. Of course, some learning methods can come two or even all three approaches. Turning on the Spanish-language subtitles for a Spanish-language TV show can benefit both visual and auditory learners. Visual-kinesthetic learners might try models or perhaps pets they can touch to learn the names of objects or components such as body parts. Visiting a place, such as a market, where Spanish is spoken might reinforce all three learning methods. In general, focus on your strengths as you learn—if more than one of these approaches works, combine them. Personal Examples Ive seen the differences in learning styles in my own home. Im a strong visual learner, and as such I found learning to converse in Spanish much more difficult than learning to read, write, or learn grammar. I also appreciate diagrams and charts as an aid in learning and am a naturally good speller simply because words spelled wrong look wrong. My wife, on the other hand, is a strong auditory learner. She has been able to pick up some Spanish simply by listening to my conversations, a feat that seems almost incomprehensible to me. Shes one of those people who knows the words to a song after the first time she hears it, and that auditory aptitude has served her well in picking up foreign languages. In college she would spend hours listening to German tapes, and years later native German speakers were surprised to find out she had never visited their country. Kinesthetic  learners can have the most difficulty learning, because schools as they are traditionally operated dont take them into account as much as they do auditory and visual learners, especially past elementary age. I have a son who is a kinesthetic learner, and it showed from an early age. Even when beginning to read he would prefer to do so while walking around the house, as if the motion of walking would somehow help him read. And more than any other child Ive seen, during the age of primary school he was prone to act out stories with his toys, something his siblings never did. Two Students’ Experiences In a forum once associated with this site, heres how one Spanish student named Jim explained his learning method that focused on an auditory approach: Many years [after high school], borne from my desire to learn, I got a Spanish/English dictionary, started watching Spanish TV every day, started listening to Spanish radio. I started learning about the great Latin music artists and culture. I used translation websites, downloaded lyrics from bilingual artists like Enrique Iglesias, Gloria Estefan. I talked with my friends who are fluent, bought People magazine in Spanish. In short my method is total immersion.In a year and a half, native Spanish speakers say my Spanish is very good. Im still striving for fluency, but Im at a good level of understanding. Of all I do find the television especially beneficial because you both see and hear. With a new television you can have the words on the screen, which really helps as well. Another adult Spanish student, named Mike, explained his combination approach like this: During my daily three hours of commuting, I listen to Spanish radio, listen to mà ºsica latina (a good two-thirds of my CDs are Latin), listen to Spanish books-on-tape, and any other audio material I can get my hands on. Id watch Spanish-language TV except that what passes for a cable company around here doesnt offer any Spanish channels.If theres a book I want to read, I try to find it in Spanish. This task has become considerably easier in the last couple of years, as publishers and booksellers in the U.S. have finally awakened to the potential of the Spanish-speaking market.I think in Spanish as much as I can, and when I talk to myself, its in Spanish. (The latter is usually advisable only while alone. One more item for the commute.)I translate, both for work and for fun.I participate with some like-minded people in a series of group tutoring sessions conducted by a Chilean lady several times a year, for six weeks at a time, with the sessions being held at a group members home. S he brings some study material and assigns some homework, but its mainly an opportunity to get together and practice our Spanish in a guided way. Much more fun than formal classes, especially since you seldom get to study with a margarita in your hand in a class!Ive downloaded and installed the Spanish-language interface for Internet Explorer and for any other program I use that has it available. At home and at work. Good practice, and remarkably effective in discouraging the monolinguals from borrowing my computer. Remember, no one learning style is inherently better than another; each has advantages and drawbacks, depending on what youre trying to learn. By adapting what you want to know to your learning style, you can make learning easier and more enjoyable.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Freedom Riders For African Americans - 1491 Words

Who are the Freedom Riders you may ask? They were a courageous and daring group, which originally consisted of seven African Americans and six Whites.They fought for the equality and justice for their race. They fought against the racist South during the early 1960’s. Their goal was to make a safer and more fair world for current and future African Americans in the United States. They went through hardship and violence from things such as, angry mobs and racist law enforcement through a period of several months. The Freedom Riders risked their safety and put their lives in danger to impact the way society viewed African Americans and to make the United States fair and equal for all races not just white. There were many events that happened during the Freedom Rider’s protest throughout the deep South. But, the hardship payed off because the Freedom Riders made a huge impact on U.S. History and they also impacted the greater justice and equality for African Americans. The Freedom Riders also have an amazing story with major events and a very positive end result which helped out African Americans in the United States and they also help change how the government treated African Americans unfairly and did give them equal rights as White people had in the United States. The Freedom Riders changed everything for African Americans and gave them a positive future to look forward to. The Freedom Riders were a very influential group of people, which consisted originally of sevenShow MoreRelatedDuring the Civil Rights Movement era there were many prominent figures and parties that challenged1100 Words   |  5 Pagessocietys views on racism. No other group challenged the accepted standards as much as the Freedom Riders. The Freedom Riders impact on political and social views influenced a drastic shift in the behaviors and thought of the Southern states. Many aspects of the Freedom Rides were influenced by the Journey of Reconciliation. The Journey of Reconciliation was comprised of a wide array of Caucasian and African American men of all occupations, including musicians, lawyers, clergy men and various other influentialRead MoreThe Freedom Riders Essay1090 Words   |  5 Pagespeople risked their life to obtain equality for African Americans in the south. The Freedom Riders were a group of around 13 people. Most of them were African Americans but there were always a few white skinned people in the group as well. There was no set leader for the Freedom Riders. The Freedom Riders rode interstate buses into the Southern United States. The south was referred to as the most segregated part of the U.S. The main goal of the Freedom Riders was to desegregate and become â€Å"separate butRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Rides Essay1208 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans sought to have the ir Constitutional Rights permitted. One form of protesting came forth in the form of the Freedom Rides. After slavery ended, many amendments and laws were created to ensure the rights of African Americans, but because of prejudices and racism, most of these were ignored. The Supreme Courts decision in Plessy v. Fergunson established separate but equal on interstate transportation in 1896, but in 1947 the Supreme Court foundRead MoreThe Freedom Riders : A Powerful And Inspiring Documentary On The Six Years996 Words   |  4 PagesThe â€Å"Freedom Riders† was a powerful and inspiring documentary on the six months of 1961 that altered America’s history. More than four hundred African Americans and whites put their lives in danger, bearing mob beatings and incarceration, as they travelled through the Deep South in numerous buses from May until November of 1961. As the freedom riders knowingly violated Jim Crow laws, they were confronted with cruel racism and violence wh ich painfully pushed against their mindset of nonviolent activismRead MoreAfrican Americans And The Civil Rights Movement1531 Words   |  7 PagesDisenfranchisement, segregation, and oppression still existed in Southern states for African Americans in the 1960, although it has been nearly 100 years since the Emancipation Proclamation. African Americans were still segregated from classrooms, restrooms, theatres, etc. due to â€Å"Jim Crow† laws; and in 1954, the â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. For hundreds of years African Americans fought for their civil rights, desegregation, and basic human rights. One significantRead MoreEssay On Freedom Riders738 Words   |  3 PagesThe Freedom Riders were remarkable, fearless Americans. They were extraordinary, ordinary people . . . young people who took the reins of history and wouldnt let go.† -Mark Samels, American Experience Executive Producer. This documentary showed a very dark time of American history, but in the dark is where the heroes come along. The people who took a stand and took part in the Freedom Rider is truly brave, and fearless, they are the people who made the America. Originally the Freedom Riders startedRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Congress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a placeRead MoreThe Importance Of Freedom Rides1130 Words   |  5 Pagesbathroom as everyone else, if y ou were told to sit in a cut off section of a restaurant, or if you were made to sit on the back of a public bus. African Americans had to endure that way of life majority of the 20th century. They did not get the same equal rights as any other human beings in America(Lifson). Because of the mistreatment, African Americans began to take a stand and speak out on the injustices they face everyday just because of the color of their skin, and it began a powerful movementRead MoreFreedom Riders By Rosa Parks Actions And Advised By Martin Luther King Jr.1275 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom riders fought for racial equality among African Americans in America in the 1960’s. Their purpose was to first stop segregation of transportation, and then later expand to racial equality everywhere. They were inspired by Rosa parks actions and advised by Martin Luther King Jr. The freedom riders protests lasted 7 months with about 400 members participating in them. Riders were supported by the Co ngress for Racial Inequality or CORE. Throughout history the southern states has been a placeRead MoreEssay about Freedom Riders1575 Words   |  7 Pages Freedom Riders â€Å"Freedom Riders† were a group of people, both black and white, who were civil rights activists from the North who â€Å"meant to demonstrate that segregated travel on interstate buses, even though banned by an I.C.C. Ruling, were still being enforced throughout much of the South† (The South 16). The Riders attempted to prove this by having a dozen or so white and black Freedom Riders board buses in the North and travel through Southern cities. This was all â€Å"a coldly calculated attempt

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

House On Mango Street Essay Questions Example For Students

House On Mango Street Essay Questions Esperanza. Esperanza. As a young girl, Esperanza is a young girl who looks at life from experience of living in poverty, where many do not question their experience. She is a shy, but very bright girl. She dreams of the perfect home, with beautiful flowers and a room for everyone. When she moves to the house of Mango Street, reality is so different than the dream. In this story, hope (Esperanza) sustains tragedy. The house she dreamed of was another on. It was one of her own. One where she did not have to share a bedroom with everyone. That included her mother, father and two siblings. The run down tiny house has bricks crumbling in places. The one she dreamed of had a great big yard, trees and grass growing without a fence. She did not want to abandon where she came from, but she knew she wanted to be free of everything that life on Mango Street brought. They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I have left behind. She is committed to her roots on Mango Street. We witness Esperanza blossoming from a innocent, shy girl to one who witnesses much, but all of this makes her strong and clear about her desires for her life. What she sees is the male domination (machismo), violence and rape. The violence in the home was ordinary to those that lived there and Esperanza knew this. It didnt make Sally stronger. Sally is abused by her father He never hit me hard, as her mom tends to her wounds. Sally eventually leaves home and gets married at a young age. She ends being abused, instead by the fist, by mind control. Her new husband treats her like a prisoner in her home. She sits at become afraid to go outside. The leave home, she would need permission. She evolves from a victim of child abuse to a slave-like wife. Esperanza sees this despair throughout her story. In My Name, She looked out the window her whole life, they way so many women sit, with their sadness on an elbow. Abuse to Rafaela, again subtle because she does not go out, in fear of husban d. Poverty on Loomis, Keeler and Paulina; poverty is a way of life. The impact is for all generations, the parents who cannot get out, the children that see it and the little ones who cannot know any better. The opportunities are limited in the barrio. Esperanza was embarrassed when she pointed to her house there. There?, as if there was no place for a girl to live. But survival is instinctive and there is a certain amount of barrio pride Those who dont know any better come into our neighborhood scared. They think we are dangerous. They think we will attack them with shiny knives. They are stupid people who are lost and got here by mistake. The victim of being called a rice sandwich. Hurt by the sister superior as she points to a row of ugly houses reminding Esperanza of the sin of being poor. Machismo is something seen in the domestic situations throughout Hispanic people. The violence, the subservience that is expected and the men believe the women are second and are second class citizens. There role is to be domestic housekeepers and to birth children. Alicia makes tortillas for her father. When Esperanza is raped, she is again taught of the power of (some) men. But throughout her growth Esperanza gets very clear that she will not live as those around she sees. She wants independence. She knew getting out would help her achieve her dreams. She was motivated but everything she experiences. .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .postImageUrl , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:hover , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:visited , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:active { border:0!important; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:active , .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19 .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u42a0ec477fd95611cea639f4e4656f19:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Asimov On Chemistry by Isaac Asimov EssayShe learns about trust when Sally told her the circus would be fun, only to be raped. Her shyness (eating alone in the company lunchroom), and about being gullible. In Cathy Queen of hearts, Cathy says, father will have to fly France and find her cousin and inherit the house. She believes that everything will be good. But she feels incredibly stupid for not for not knowing better. But she does learn. When she learns that the box, is a music box. She is ashamed for not knowing. Despite all this, she knows enough to know that a better life is the live she will create. She sees herself as scrawny and unattractive. Skinny necks and pointed elbows like mine? dont belong here, but are here. But the metaphor for the tress, she will grow despite the concrete and will not forget to reach. She is a determined young woman with esparenze and she will lay new roots and you are convinced she will not only make it, but will return for the others. Cisneros allows us to see why women need to dream and create the good reality that they are capable of living. She addresses oppression, family and religious roles and is clear about the 2nd class status of women, but she knows there is more out there. I was blessed, having been raised in a financially rich and very sheltered environment. I work in a city where poverty is present, today and witness families living together, girls and boys supporting their parents, sending money south of the border, all to survive. No one complains, but there is clearly a vicious cycle, as the family is so important, many young one aspire to have families and do. They do no realize how expensive life is until they are older, and then their little ones are placed in the same cycle. I did experience and old fashioned father who was very dominating and did not treat girls very respectfully. It was very difficult to gain his respect and approval, if that is possible. I learned that men make the decisions and women are not to doubt the man. We were never allowed to say no, or ask why. There was must physical abuse, as a way to control us. As an adult I am sensitive to the fact that my father knew no better, even thought he scars are still there. This story, as I read it again and again, made me feel that many girls are dreamers and have their innocence shattered by the reality of life. Whether rich or poor, belief systems can be shattered, but not hopes. Bibliographyself